Discourse Studies Article Writing Programme (2014-15)

February 18, 2014 - February 28, 2015

Discourse Studies Article Writing Programme
Jyväskylä Discourse Hub & Peripheral Multilingualism Project
February 2014 – February 2015

Publishing is becoming an ever bigger part of academic life. Getting your research published in internationally ranked, peer reviewed journals is an important requirement for funding and future jobs. It is also a significant way to make your research available for a wider audience and to make meaningful contacts. To support early career researchers in the fields of critical discourse studies, multilingualism and ethnography in getting started with their academic publishing career, Jyväskylä discourse hub (www.discoursehub.fi) and Peripheral Multilingualism Project (Academy of Finland) (www.peripheralmultilingualism.fi) at the University of Jyväskylä launch the Discourse Studies Article Writing Programme.

The programme provides a stimulating learning environment for academic publishing. It offers the opportunity to develop your own article in a structured way, with the help of peer support meetings, publishing workshops and guidance/mentoring sessions with experts in the field. The programme runs for 12 months, and during this time the participants will write and submit an academic research article for consideration of publication in an international peer-reviewed journal or edited volume. The programme runs from February 2014 till February 2015, and it is led by Professor Sari Pietikäinen (University of Jyväskylä, Discourse Studies). The working language of the programme is English.

Working modes: The Writing Programme consists of a variety of working modes, each aiming at supporting the writing and publishing process. They include 1) 7 Workshops providing participants with know-how of the article writing process and practices related to international publishing, 2) 7 Peer Group Sessions offering a supportive space to share problems and concerns, experiences and insights relating to the writing process with your peers in the programme,  and 3) 5 Mentor Sessions involving the possibility to consult your personal mentor at selected  stages of the writing process and to receive feedback on your article manuscript. However, the most important aspect of the programme is independent writing aimed at developing your own article within the time frame of the programme.

Mentors: In the Discourse Studies Article Writing Programme, each participant will have a personal experienced mentor who will provide their expert advice and feedback at particular points of the writing process (e.g. selecting an appropriate journal, getting feedback on the manuscript and dealing with manuscript revisions). The mentors include Prof. Alexandre Duchêne (University of Fribourg), Prof. Monica Heller (University of Toronto), Assoc. Prof. Francis Hult (Lund University), Dr. Helen Kelly-Holmes (University of Limerick), Dr. Simo Määttä (University of Jyväskylä), Prof. Aneta Pavlenko (Temple University), Prof. Sari Pietikäinen (University of Jyväskylä), Prof. Joan Pujolar (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya), Dr. Anna Solin (University of Helsinki).

Participation requirements: The number of participants accepted to the programme is limited. The most crucial criterion for entering the programme is the goal and the means to write and submit an article to an international, refereed journal or edited volume within the next 12 months related to at least one of the fields of the programme, (critical discourse studies, ethnography and multilingualism). This means that participants need to have a clear idea for the articles and the required resources for the writing and publishing processes (e.g. time, data, literature etc). Furthermore, to make the most of the programme and to be able to contribute to the peer support in a meaningful way, participants are expected to commit themselves to the goals of the programme and to keep the time frame of writing and submitting a manuscript. They are also expected to take part in the programme seminars (either physically or virtually) and to provide constructive peer support to their fellow participants during the course of the programme. The seminars take place at the University of Jyväskylä. However, physical presence in the workshops is not required. Virtual participation is possible via Google Hangouts.


To apply for the Discourse Studies Article Writing Programme, please submit the following.

(1)   A response to the following questions/items (max. 1000 words)

  • (a) Describe your current academic position. When did/will you defend your PhD thesis? How is your research situated in the field of discourse studies? How much experience do you have in international academic publishing?
  • (b) Briefly describe your idea, data and the theoretical/methodological framework for the article you intend to write, indicating also to which of the three fields mentioned above (critical discourse studies, ethnography and multilingualism) your article relates.
  • (c) List the three most important reasons why you are applying to the programme, and
  • (d) indicate your ability to commit to the goals and working modes of the programme (i.e., ability to develop and submit an article during the course of the programme; participation in the seminars; contribution to peer support).

(2) A CV (max. 2 pages) that includes your academic background and central publications.

Programme coordinator: Dr. Kati Dlaske (kati.dlaske@jyu.fi)


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