
Strömmer, M. (2021). In the name of security: Governmentality apparatus in a multilingual mine in Arctic Finland. Journal of Sociolinguistics (open access)

D’hondt, S. (2020). One confession, multiple chronotopes: The interdiscursive authentication of an apology in an international criminal trial. Journal of Sociolinguistics. (open access)

Pietikäinen, S. & Allan, K. (2020). “Jobs for life?” Mining Temporalities in a Transforming Arctic Periphery. In K. Gonçalves & H. Kelly-Holmes (eds.), Language, Global Mobilities, Blue-collar Workers and Blue-collar Workplaces. New York: Routledge.

Strömmer, M. (2020). Physical work, customer service, or teamwork? Language requirements for seasonal cleaning work in the booming Arctic tourism industry. In K. Gonçalves & H. Kelly-Holmes (Eds.), Language, Global Mobilities, Blue-collar Workers and Blue-collar Workplaces. New York: Routledge.

Pietikäinen, S. & Mäntynen, A. (2019). Uusi kurssi kohti diskurssia. Vastapaino: Tampere.

Pietikäinen, S. (2019). Discussion. Language in nature resource economies. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 2019 (258)171-176.

Pietikäinen, S., Kelly-Holmes, H., & Rieder, M. (2019). Minority Languages and Markets. In G. Hogan-Brun, & B. O’Rourke (Eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of Minority Languages and Communities (pp. 287–310). London: Palgrave Macmillan. doi: 10.1057/978-1-137-54066-9_11

Ojala, A.-L. (in press). Being an athlete and being a young person: Technologies of the self in managing an athletic career in youth ice hockey in Finland. International Review for the Sociology of Sport

Cantarella, L., Hegel, C. & Pietikäinen, S. (2018). Ice time: Transversal knowledge production between hockey and art. American Anthropologist. November 1, 2018 Multimodal Anthropologies.

Pietikäinen, S. (2018). Investing in indigenous multilingualism in the Arctic. Language and Communication, 61 (Part B, September), 184–195.

Da Silva, E. & Pietikäinen, S. (2018). Foreign captains in elite hockey markets: Mediatized discourses of professionalization between routes and roots. Sport in Society, 21 (11), 1795–1816.

Heller, M., Pietikäinen S. & Pujolar J. (2018). Critical Sociolinguistic Research Methods. Studying language issues that matter. Routledge.

Strömmer, M. (2017). Work-related language learning trajectories of migrant cleaners in Finland. Apples – Journal of Applied Language Studies, 11 (4), 137–160. Open Access.

Hiss, F. (2017). Workplace multilingualism in shifting contexts: A historical case. Language in Society.

Lehtonen, S. (2017). The Fame and Blame of an Intellectual Goth: Sofi Oksanen (1977). In G. Franssen and R. Honings (eds), Idolizing Authorship: Literary Celebrity and the Construction of Identity, 1800-present. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 257–273.

Lehtonen, S. (2017). “I Just Don’t Know What Went Wrong”: Neo-Sincerity and Doing Gender and Age Otherwise in a Discussion Forum for Finnish Fans of My Little Pony. In S. Leppänen, E. Westinen, & S. Kytölä (eds.), Social Media Discourse, (Dis)identifications and Diversities, New York: Routledge, 287–309.

Tiainen, M. (2017). (De) legitimating electronic surveillance: a critical discourse analysis of the Finnish news coverage of the Edward Snowden revelations. Critical Discourse Studies, 1-18.

Tiainen, M. (2017). Solving the surveillance problem. In Schünemann, W. and Baumann, M-O. (eds.), Privacy, Data Protection and Cybersecurity in Europe. Springer International Publishing, 61-78.

Strömmer, M. (2017). Mahdollisuuksien rajoissa: Neksusanalyysi suomen kielen oppimisesta siivoustyössä. Jyväskylä: University of Jyväskylä.

Pietikäinen, S., Kelly-Holmes, H., Jaffe, A., & Coupland, N. (2016).  Sociolinguistics from the Periphery: Small Languages in New Circumstances. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Dlaske, K. (2016). Way better than the original!! Music video covers and language revitalisation: A sociosemiotic view.  APPLES – Journal of applied language studies 10(2): 83-103.

Dlaske, K. (2016). Shaping subjects of globalisation: at the intersection of voluntourism and the new economy. Multilingua 35(4): 415-440.

Dlaske, K; Barakos, E; Motobayashi, K; & McLaughlin, M. (2016). Introduction: Languaging the worker: Globalized governmentalities in/of language in peripheral spaces. Multilingua 35 (4) Special Issue. Published online ahead of print: 07/08/2015.

Dlaske, K. & Jäntti, S. (2016). Girls strike back. Politics of parody in an indigenous TV comedy. Gender & Language 10(2): 191-215.

Kelly-Holmes, H., & Pietikäinen, S. (2016). Language: A challenging resource in a museum of Sámi culture. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 16 (1), 24-41. doi:10.1080/15022250.2015.1058186

Ronkainen, N., Kavoura, A., & Ryba, T. V. (2016). Narrative and discursive perspectives on athletic identity: Past, present, and future. Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 27, 128-137.

Strömmer, M. (2016). Material scaffolding: Supporting the comprehension of migrant cleaners at work. European Journal of Applied Linguistics, 4(2), 239–275.

Strömmer, M. (2016). Affordances and constraints: Second language learning in cleaning work. Multilingua: Journal of Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage Communication, 35(6), 697–721. Available online:

Kavoura, A., Ryba, T. V., & Chroni, S. (2015). Negotiating female judoka identities in Greece: A Foucauldian discourse analysis. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 17, 88-98.

Lehtonen, S. (2015). Writing Oneself into Someone Else’s Story – Experiments With Identity And Speculative Life Writing in Twilight Fan Fiction. Fafnir: Nordic Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy Research, 2 (2), 7–18. Available at

Pietikäinen, S.,  Compton, S., & Dlaske, K. (2015). Putting resources into practice: A nexus analysis of knowledge mobilisation activities in language research and multilingual communities. Current issues in language planning 16 (3), 187-200. DOI:10.1080/14664208.2015.972533

Dlaske, K. (2015). Discourse matters: Localness as a source of authenticity in craft businesses in peripheral minority language sites. Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis Across Disciplines 7 (2): 243-262.

Määttä, S. & Pietikäinen, S. (2014). Ideology. In: Jan-Ola Östman and Jef Verschueren (eds.), Handbook of Pragmatics: 2014 Installment, p. 1-23. John Benjamins.

Kelly-Holmes, H. and Pietikäinen, S. (2014). Commodifying Sámi culture in an indigenous tourism site. Journal of Sociolinguistics 18 (4), p. 518-538.

Pietikäinen, S. (2014). Spatial interaction in Sámiland: Regulative and transitory chronotopes in the dynamic multilingual landscape of an indigenous Sámi village. International Journal of Bilingualism 18 (5), p. 478-490.

Pietikäinen, S. & Pitkänen-Huhta, A. (2014). Dynamic multimodal language practices in multilingual indigenous Sámi classrooms in Finland. In: Durk Gorter, Victoria Zenotz and Jasone Cenoz (eds.) Minority Languages and Multilingual Education: Bridging the Local and the Global, p. 137-157. Dordrecht: Springer.

Hult, F. & Pietikäinen, S. (2014). Shaping discourses of multilingualism through a language ideological debate: The case of Swedish in Finland. Journal of Language and Politics 13 (1) p. 1-20.

Dlaske, K. (2014). Semiotics of pride and profit: interrogating commodification in indigenous handicraft production. Social Semiotics 24 (5), p. 582-598.

Compton, S. E., & Hult, F. M. (2014). Applications of language policy and planning to deaf education. Language Policy Research Network Brief [March, 2014]. Washington, DC: Center for Applied Linguistics.

Compton, S. E. (2014). American Sign Language as a heritage language. In T. G. Wiley, J. K. Peyton, D. Christian, S. C. K. Moore, & N. Liu (Eds.), Handbook of heritage, community, and Native American languages in the United States (pp. 272-286). New York: Routledge and Center for Applied Linguistics.

Kelly-Holmes, H. (2014). Linguistic fetish: The sociolinguistics of visual multilingualism. In D. Machin (Ed.), Visual Communication (pp. 135-151). (Handbooks of Communication Science Series.) Berlin: De Gruyter.

Hult, F.M. (2014). Covert bilingualism and symbolic competence: Analytical reflections on negotiating insider/outsider positionality in Swedish speech situations.  Applied Linguistics, 35(1), 63-81.

Pietikäinen, S. & Dlaske, K. (2013). Cutting across media spaces and boundaries: The case of a hybrid, indigenous Sámi TV comedy. Sociolinguistica 27 (2013) p. 87-100.

Kelly-Holmes, H. (2013). “Choose your language!” Categorisation and control in cyberspace. Sociolinguistica 27 (2013) p. 132-145.

Dlaske, K. (2013). Welcome to the end of the world! Resignifying periphery under the new economy: a nexus analytical view of a tourist website. Journal of Mulicultural Discourses.

Kauppinen, K. (2013). At an Intersection of Postfeminism and Neoliberalism: A Discourse Analytical View of an International Women’s Magazine. Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis across Disciplines 7 (1), 82–99.

Kauppinen, K. (2013). ‘Full power despite stress’. A discourse analytical examination of the interconnectedness of postfeminism and neoliberalism in the domain of work in an international women’s magazine. Discourse & Communication 7 (2).

Pietikäinen, S. & Kelly-Holmes. H. (2013) (eds.). Multilingualism and the periphery. Oxford University press.

Pietikäinen, S. (2012). Kieli-ideologiat arjessa. Neksusanalyysi monikielisen inarinsaamenpuhujan kielielämäkerrasta. Virittäjä, 116 (3), 410-440.

Karjalainen, A. (2012). Liikkuva ja muuttuva suomi: Diskursiivis-etnografinen tutkimus amerikansuomalaisten kielielämäkerroista. PhD dissertation.

Kelly-Holmes, H. and Pietikäinen, S. (2012). Multilingualism and Media. The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics.

Hult, F. M. & Compton, S. E. (2012). Deaf education policy as language policy: A comparative analysis of Sweden and the United States, Sign Language Studies, 12(4), 602-620