Discourse Hub seminars autumn 2020

October 20, 2020 - November 10, 2020

Discourse hub is a dedicate and supportive space to present, discuss and debate on our on-going research as well as key literature in critical discourse studies and its close allies, critical sociolinguistics and linguistic anthropology.

For this academic year, we have two aims. Firstly, to discuss and support research each of us is doing. We have new people in our crew and many of us have started new project or moved on to the new stage in our work. It will be great to hear more about the range of work we are embarking and create a supportive community for critical discourse studies.

Secondly, to engage more systematically with the current debates and developments in the field, with a particular focus on linguistic anthropology.  We want to do this by taking seriously the multidisciplinary character of critical discourse studies. It does not belong to a one particular discipline, but rather it is driven by questions, problems and processes related to complex and emergent relationship between language and society.

How this is theoretically and methodologically done – or could be done – is a key question that we want to explore together by engaging discussions with some key literature and scholars working in a nexus of critical discourse studies, sociolinguistics and linguistic anthropology.

To this end, we organize discourse hub webinars around two activities: encounters and engagements.

  1. Encounters (50 mins)

o a space for presenting and discussing our work in-progress, e.g. research plan, article outline, a section of a publication, example of an analysis, data session, discussion around key concept etc.

o to facilitate interaction and participation, the presenter will have a max of 20 minutes to introduce the particular question or point s/he want to discuss, leaving 30 minutes for discussion. To further support the discussion, the presenter can send reading in advance but this should be short text, a max of 3 pages (around 2000 words).

  1. Engagements (60 minutes)

In the engagements, we want to push forward critical connections and interactions with different fields of critical research on language, especially with linguistic anthropology and critical discourse studies. The key questions for these sessions are:

  • What are the key social issues, and theoretical and methodological developments that we now need to engage with in order to push the field of critical language research forward?
  • What are the tools that critical discourse studies, sociolinguistics and linguistic anthropology provide us? What do they produce together?
  • What else is needed?

To facilitate these discussions and discoveries, we will engage with some key readings towards these topics as well as have invited speakers to spark our discussions.



6.10.2020 (15.00–17.00)

– encounters with Discourse hub researchers: 5 minutes lighting talks by everyone

– engagement with linguistic anthropology and critical discourse studies: Sari Pietikäinen & Sigurd D’hondt


20.10.2020 (15.00–17.00)

15.00–15.50 Encounters discussion on work-in-progress: Riikka Nissi

16.00–17.00 Engagements with prof. Lindsay Bell (Western University Canada, Sociocultural Anthropology): pushing discussion on critical connections and developments in critical language research


10.11.2020 (15.00–17.00)

15.00–15.50 Encounters discussion on work in-progress: Anna-Maija Ylä-Mattila

16.00–17.00 Engagements with Jonas Bens (Freie Universität Berlin, Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology): exploring the interconnections between linguistic anthropology and affect theory


1.12.2020 (15.00–17.00)

15.00–15.50 Encounters: discussion on work-in-progress: Liia-Maria Raippalinna

16.00–17.00 Engagements with prof. Professor Monica Heller (University of Toronto), TBA

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